Hello.. So Who Are You Again?
A story…words that tell of your existence and experiences. Some aspects of your story were predetermined like your race, ethnicity, and gender. Other aspects of your story are determined by decisions you make like being a wife, mother, friend, neighbor, doctor, and Christian.
GOD created you and included you in His Story. Who you are and His purpose for your life is written in the Bible. You were made in GOD’s image and likeness. GOD’s identity informs how He manifests Himself. Like GOD, your identity informs how you manifest yourself. However, the degree to which you manifest GOD-likeness is determined by decisions. Making Jesus Christ your Lord and Savior is the gateway to knowing and manifesting your identity in Him.
While there are many scriptures that inform who we are in Christ, I will share three scriptures and thoughts that have shaped my self-concept and identity.
1. I am a Child of GOD – John 1:12 speaks to who I am spiritually. This aspect of my identity is simple yet powerful because it tells me that I am GOD’s offspring. There’s a part of me that’s just like GOD. I have His nature, His power, and access to all that Jesus is.
2. I am Chosen – John 15:16 speaks to my soul and its desire to be “accepted” and “affirmed.” It tells my mind, will, and emotions that I’ve been divinely selected to produce and reproduce eternal fruit. Knowing that GOD chose me and appointed me for my assignment in life frees me from competition and the negative effects of rejection. I attract and acquire all that is in my story.
3. I am GOD’s Handiwork – Ephesians 2:10 speaks to who I am physically, my body and its abilities in this physical realm. It tells me that I am a masterpiece designed by GOD to do good things and that what GOD created me to do was prepared in advance. I am not an afterthought and neither is His Purpose for my life. GOD considered everyone and everything involved in the story of my life and all of these play a strategic role in my destiny.
GOD loves us infinitely. ALL of who we are is in His Story. Find yourself in His Story. Let His thoughts about you frame your self-concept and identity so that when people read your story, they will see why they should glorify Him.