How to mend a broken relationship
Personally, I have had to mend quite a few relationships during my life. To mend a broken relationship, one must be committed and intentional about doing it. It is so easy to telling yourself, “I’m good”; “I don’t really need that relationship in my life anyway,” or “I believe, the Lord does not want me in this relationship.” This mind-set of excuses and reasoning are thoughts of selfishness and a lack of understanding but it is really a total lack of being obedient to God’s Word. The Bible tells us in Proverbs 18:24 “There are companions who harm one another, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.” Showing ourselves to be friendly simply means that we must get through the hurt, anger, and perhaps the rejection and embrace the mending process no matter how hard it may be.
When something is broken that we value and cherish, it’s only natural for us to want to do what is necessary to fix it. If we want to use it again, likewise, with a relationship we do not just toss it in the trash, we should seek out ways to restore that relationship. However, there are some relationships that don’t need to be mended. It is not a one size fits all. It takes wisdom to know which relationships need to be ended and which ones need to be mended. Being intentional does not mean, “forget it, I’m done with this offense,” nor does it mean mending an abusive or toxic relationship.
When we consider how Christ restored and redeemed us, we must realize we have a duty to our brothers or sisters to follow Christ’s example of restoring relationships.
In closing, one of my favorite quotes is “none of us, have offended any of us, as much as each of us has offended God” Dr. Anthony W. Hurst. Oftentimes, when mending is taking place, it hurts. Mistrust is often present. Doubt is seeking its place in the process. Anger and wrath want to explode.
We want relationships to work, to function properly, to help us to grow, and most of all to be something that we can cherish and respect. Making amends and true restoration is a key component of mending a broken relationship.