This is Me: Overcoming the Fear of Rejection
Have you ever experienced rejection? In the movie The Color Purple, Celie, portrayed masterfully by Whoopi Goldberg, is a poor, uneducated black woman who survives hideous trauma and an abusive husband who seeks to harm her mind, soul and body. As a result of the abuse she suffers from various men and women, Celie, like many of us, begins to feel that she will always be rejected. If I knew Celie I would have reminded her of what God says about each of us in Romans 8:31, especially when we feel insecure from past abuse and traumas. This one scripture is a bedrock for our faith in times of extreme doubt, suffering and fear of rejection.
Cicely Tyson, beloved actress and activist, recently passed away. Ms. Tyson once said concerning fear of rejection, “I have learned not to allow rejection to move me.” Dear ones, do not let anyone define who you are based on what others reject or might reject about you, if you know with assurance that you are living the way God wants you to live. You are uniquely and wonderfully made. There is no one else like you. Not trying to do something or failing to complete something due to fear of rejection can prevent us from receiving the best of what God has for us. This is why you must know what God says about you and firmly believe it. Lastly, don’t be too hard on yourself. It is possible to experience fear of rejection and faith at the same time. Sometimes it is like enjoying a beautiful sunny day while knowing rain clouds threaten. When this happens, cling to this truth in Psalm 27:10. This goes for all relationships and human interaction. Remember, God never lies, so we can take Him at his Word!
“Elder Jerome Woods, II is an ordained minister at High Calling Ministries. Elder Woods is also a presiding judge in Maryland since August 2005, as the Hon. Jerome Woods, II, Administrative Law Judge.” He presides over numerous administrative hearings, involuntary commitment trials, mediations, and settlement matters and is an instructor in the Judicial College of Maryland and an adjunct professor of law at the Community College for Baltimore County He received his Juris Doctor (J.D.) from The Catholic University of America, Columbus School of Law and his Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) in English Literature from The George Washington University.”