All posts tagged "Marriage"
Jerome Woods | August 3, 2022
Testing it Out: Why Christians Should Not Live Together Before Marrying
My wife and I celebrated twenty-one years of marriage in June 2022. For our anniversary, we decided to...
Alana Woods | July 27, 2022
Make Sure to Set your Boundaries
Amos 3:3 Can two walk together unless they are agreed? Dating is complicated, period. Going through the process...
Alana Woods | February 10, 2021
Is it the right time to consider marriage?
An unmarried man (woman) …is concerned about the Lord’s affairs—how he (she) can please the Lord. But a...
Lena Pittman | August 31, 2020
Are you in Preparation for the Right Thing?
I have always referred to myself as a mom of three boys, but those boys have grown up...