It’s a Daily Struggle
I remember college well. The University housed all of the freshman engineering students together. This became important for the success of the engineering students because engineering required more studying and focus than some other majors. While other students enjoyed the nightlife, the engineers huddled together trying to decipher the weekly homework assignment or study for an upcoming test. We had to stick together and encourage each other, or we might have decided to skip some of the preparation and join the other students partying. Let me tell you, it was tempting, but I had a goal in mind that I wanted to achieve. I knew that to reach my goal required me to overcome the temptation to socialize and remain on track. Sometimes I chose the party, but for those of us who succeeded, we skipped hanging out most of the time.
I recently read a similar story in the newspaper about overcoming the temptations of daily life. What caught my eye was the following quote, “I’d walk out my door and see a dead body from last night.” That was followed by the word “peace.” Intrigued, I began reading the article. His goal was graver than mine. His goal was to stay alive. Growing up in a violent neighborhood, he had to choose at a young age that worldly pleasures were not worth the cost. While poor, he had to overcome the temptation of easy fast money. Daily life was riddled with issues, but now this young man preaches peace to kids whose lives are filled with violence. What was even more surprising is that the young man credits God for having a reason and a purpose for placing him in the situation. How often do we complain to God about our less than perfect situations? Different perspective: God is still in control even when we are not content.
Your story may be different but we all are at war… within ourselves. Daily we fight to overcome the temptation to follow our desires and to stay focused on the path God has set before us (James 1:13-14). Remember God loves us. So much so that He prepares a way for us to win over temptation. 1 Corinthians 10:13 says that there is an escape route for us. We have to look for it and take it. The escape route may be different friends, a new job, even if it pays less money, or anything God chooses in order to remove us from the temptation.
Also remember, during the time Jesus spent on earth, He was tempted just like us, but was able to overcome the temptation. Yes, He is God but He was also human. So when you are searching for someone to lean on while you are facing temptation, your relationship with Jesus is vital. He understands your situation and He wants you to succeed.
Webster, Richard A., and Jonathan Bullington. “I’d Walk out My Door and See a Dead Body from Last Night.” The Times Picayune [New Orleans] 5 June 2016: A1+. Print.