Choosing Mr. Right
He catches your eye from across the room. “Umm. Looking good!” you think to yourself as you check him out from head to toe. He notices you, you are not surprised since you are looking quite good yourself. He strolls over and begins engaging in conversation.
Appearance attracts him to you. However, appearance is something that is most likely to change. Will you still love him when his abs turn to flab? Listen to what he says about other people, what value does he puts on appearance? If he is concerned about your weight or dress size, that is unnecessary stress on you.
So what else should attract you to your man? Character for one. For me, some of the traits I looked for were honesty, caring nature and compassion. In addition, I wanted someone who can control his anger and thinks about other people.
But I also needed to be aware of his flaws and let’s be real, when we are in “love” we tend to overlook or minimize character flaws. If your boyfriend lies to other people, what stops him from lying to you? If your boyfriend gets too angry over small things what is going to happen when larger issues occur?
Create a list of character traits that are important to you. Look for the flaws, and we all have flaws, and see if his flaws are ones you can live with. When you decide to make a life changing decision to get married, make sure you are choosing wisely!
Proverbs 31:30
Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting;
but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.