Sometimes the Way to Peace Hurts
One of the social media compilation videos featured the reaction of dads when the kids told their moms to “Shut up.” The mom and kid plotted together with camera rolling to capture the poor unsuspecting guy’s reaction. This piqued my interest because I knew how my dad would have reacted and the results wouldn’t have been pretty. As expected, one girl barely escaped the wrath of her father when her mom couldn’t get the truth of their conspiracy out of her mouth fast enough to bring the dad’s encroaching doom to a halt. Why would we expect a caring father to react the way this dad did?
Hebrews 12:7 says, “For what children are not disciplined by their father?” It goes on to say what a parent hopes to give to a child is the result the discipline brings though the punishment is not pleasant at the time. God likens the discipline of human parents to His discipline of His children. He says that He disciplines because He cares. God says His discipline, “produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it” (Hebrews 12:11).
At first, I didn’t know why I watched the video a couple of times. I just watched and marveled at the man’s care for his wife because of the lack of respect given to her. And I cheered him on because I recognized his care for his child who he has a responsibility to lead and guide so that she has the best chance for success in life. I saw love in action. I know, strange…
Physical or spiritual discipline equals care, BUT why does it have to hurt so bad?