What If I’m not on the Right Path?

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I started off in the field of computer graphics in high school. I attended a trade school and intended to go into graphic design. As I began to assess the requirements, I changed my mind. I applied for jobs the summer after I graduated from high school, but I didn’t get an interview and became discouraged. Little did I know that I had a career path ahead with twists and turns that would bring me fulfillment. It all started with babysitting.

When I was a teenager, I babysat my siblings and several other children. I made money doing it as well. My goals were to be able to support myself as an adult and to get married. Those goals took a back seat after I met my husband. My husband encouraged me to slow down and finish school. He talked to me about my future and helped me understand that whatever I chose to do would be fruitful long after getting my college degree.

I seemed to be a natural at childcare. People trusted me with their youngsters. I made money and I was getting job interviews and eventually job offers. I was able to study the material in my college classes and advance. I felt successful. My career at that time was Early Childhood Education, but I could not live off minimum wage, so I changed my career again. Yes! I did.

I went back to school for Elementary Education and was hired two weeks after graduation as a third grade teacher. I worked as a teacher for ten years. Eventually I ended up back in school for a master’s degree in Curriculum and Instruction. However, the whole time I stayed close to my first love, Early Childhood Education. I took summer sides jobs all through my teaching career and eventually went back to working with the tiny little babies, toddlers, and preschoolers. I love little children. They are so lovable. This is the way God bent me.

Currently, I supervise teachers for a private Head Start program in Baltimore City. Even now, I am learning how to become a leader. God is getting me ready for something else. God is pushing me to grow and develop in this new position. I am excited to see where the next twist and turn in my career path will lead me.

I truly believe when we are true to our God, He will guide us into the destiny He willed for us to live out. Pray for God’s guidance and ask for direction and provision.

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