How Long Can We Fool God?
The other day I interrupted a conversation between a woman and God. Well, God invited me into a part of the conversation. A woman stopped by my church and asked for help. She said that she was unemployed because she broke her ankle in three places. Consequently, she was low on funds, had no gas and no milk for her three boys. One of the pastors referred her to a place that could help and gave her a Walmart gift card. This is when God invited me in.
I sat and talked with her for a while. I noticed her beautifully decorated nails. I dare not comment on them lest I suggest she wasn’t in as dire need as she proclaimed. So, I asked the questions about her relationship with Jesus, which she said she has. However, her church has been closed since the pandemic shut down, over a year and a half ago. Oh, come to this church, I offered.
I expressly shared how people come to the church all the time with their hands out, but that God wants to give them so much more in a relationship. She eagerly listened and agreed. She needed gas money. I gave her some. She said she would be back that evening for Bible study with the gas she would put in her tank. I called her when she was late. She said she was coming. She never came.
God took the conversation from there. I’m not sure what they’re talking about right now.