Peace Through the Storm
Two thousand twenty-one – what a year! Have last year’s events left you feeling stronger or crushed? I hope you are stronger. Most of us have never experienced the diseases, fires, earthquakes, and tornadoes we have experienced in the past two years. Maybe you’ve had days that have started out calm and peaceful, then suddenly you get tragic news – a loved one has the virus, someone else died, or a terrible storm had demolished someone’s property. Your emotions are on a roller coaster. How much can we bear?
You are not alone. I have received tragic news – even regarding family members. What could I do? I realized that my life is not in my hands, but in the hands of our Creator, God. I concluded that I can do all I can to stay safe, but ultimately, God is my refuge and strength as stated in Psalm 46:1. We are not promised a carefree life, but we, upon accepting Jesus in our lives, are promised a refuge and fortress in Him. So, while in the middle of 2021’s unusual circumstances, I found strength in praying, reading the Bible, and uniting with others of like minds—getting through life together. I had to put my trust in God even more.
May I suggest that if you feel that life’s challenges are unbearable, if you are experiencing feelings of depression, heaviness, read Psalm 91. It talks about the security of those who choose to believe in Jesus. God has taken excellent care of me even amid life’s stormy trials. I have not experienced any shortages of necessities spiritually, financially, or otherwise (Matthew 6:25-34). In fact, this season has caused my faith to grow stronger.
You can have peace in the midst of the storm like Jesus’ followers in Matthew 8:23-27. Since we cannot control the elements of the world, why not trust the One who created the world, God, our Father? If you have not accepted Jesus Christ into your life, consider doing it now. God offers you protection and provisions in your journey through this life. Trust and obey God’s word, the Bible, and enjoy life’s trip.