Bikini Anyone?
A lot of us use the new year to start over. Especially with things we don’t like about ourselves, like our weight. If we think we are too fat, we can order diet food shipped directly to our house, prepared by a chef, and all you have to do is “open the box, eat the food and lose the weight”. Another plan says it is “A program built for human nature so you can expect amazing” with their 360o program. Or “shake yourself skinny”, where you just shake, shake, shake, eat what you want and lose weight. If that is not enough for you, most gyms have free registration, 1st month free or some other incentive to get you in the door.
With all of the ads in magazines, on television, and on the Internet showing us what society says we should look like, in a bikini, sometimes we lose focus of who we really are and that we are loved just the way we are. The Bible says in Romans 5:8: “But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” You see, God did not wait until we loved Him to show His love for us. But because He loves us, even with our flaws, we should show our love for Him.
There may be some changes we need to make to become healthier, but remember that we should not feel loved based solely on our outward appearance. We have more to offer people based on who we are on the inside then what you see on the outside.