Counterfeit Freedom
In her performances and music, Beyoncé exhibits what our culture celebrates as a bold and powerful demonstration of female sexual freedom. Her perceived confidence, power, and sexual freedom pull us in. As a result, many women have taken pride in their bodies, showing them off fearlessly.
We all want to feel confident, bold, and free. In following Beyoncé’s lead of sexual expression, will we find the confidence and freedom we crave? Is she truly a good role model of femininity and freedom? (See: Beyonce: Power or Bondage)
God made us male and female and called us very good (Genesis 1:26-31). God made sexuality a good thing to be enjoyed! But apart from God, our sexual desires get twisted. We desire expression that will ultimately destroy us. Listening to our cravings and expressing ourselves sexually in ways we deem best will never bring true freedom. While we all want freedom, sexual looseness will not satisfy the liberty our hearts really crave.
Our culture attempts to give us counterfeits, like sexual freedom, of the liberty we can experience in Christ. Freedom in Christ gives the only true form of liberty, because we can experience freedom now on this earth, and we can also experience lasting freedom that stretches beyond this life. John 8:36 says, “So if the Son [Jesus] sets you free, you will be free indeed.” Christ alone has the power to set us free from our past, shame, and the loud voice of our flaws and failure, relying on sexual freedom, will always keep us enslaved.