You are Beautiful
My daughter loves posting pictures online for everyone to see. My pictures show my beautiful short, round body complements of my no-air-brushing policy. While the media may portray the standard of beauty as a woman who is tall, with long black curly hair and a well-rounded body, in the real world we don’t all look like that. The tightest things on me are usually my shoes; but, I have the best positive self-image of myself.
How I got my positive self-image
In this culture, thinking good about yourself can be hard. I came to a point in my life where I had to rethink our culture’s definition of beauty. No fashion or make-up that we wear will provide us with a positive image of ourselves. Changing our clothes, hair and make-up will make us feel better, but only for a little while. Once I accepted that, my life changed.
I replaced the world’s definition of beauty with God’s definition of beauty. God says that, “I am fearfully and wonderfully made” (Psalm 139:14). God made me this way on purpose and He didn’t make a mistake. Over the years, I noticed that people enjoyed experiencing the qualities God placed in me, not merely how I looked.
The Challenge
Since God did not make a mistake, for one month, why don’t you consider with me saving all the money you would spend on extra eye lashes, tracks of hair, and bottles of dyes. There is greatness inside of each of us, an inner beauty, trying to come out for all to enjoy, but it is up to us to make the inner change.
The real beauty comes through when we realize that “Charm is deceitful, and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised” (Proverbs 31:30). There is nothing wrong with you, nothing wrong with me.
We are beautiful.