Encourage Someone
I recently got a text from a friend of mine briefly telling me that she is going through some challenges in her family. At that time, all I could do was let her know that I was going to pray for her and her situation. Just something that simple let her know that I cared about her. She thanked me for taking time for her.
You see that is the least I could do. God has given me people to encourage me, cry with me and laugh with me through many past challenges and I am so glad that He has allowed me to pass that gift on to others. The Bible encourages us to “ Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ” (Galatians 6:2). Sometimes having a friend just sit with you or listen to you while you are trying to figure out what to do is cherished.
I thank God for the friends He has placed in my life. Even though I like being by myself, I value the time I spend with my friends. One of the greatest gifts of friendship has been having someone to share my feelings, frustrations, joys and sorrows with. Whether I speak to them once a day or once a year, the friends I have are always there. The next time someone calls you with a problem that is distressing them, pray for with them and pray that God will give you words of encouragement for your friends as you bear your friends burdens.