What Makes a Woman Inspirational?
What Makes a Woman Inspirational? My thoughts embraced words like influential, inventiveness, a warm personality, and someone that greatly impact others as well as their influence on others. In 2 Peter 3:1-2 he was speaking to the people to stir up their pure minds and for them to be mindful of the words that were spoken by the holy prophets and of the commandment of the Lord Jesus Christ. As I read this verse, I realize that an inspirational woman must guard her heart and when her heart is guarded her tongue will speak influential words, she will be intentional about what she says, and will have an exhorted uplifting tone in her voice to whomever she is engaged with.
What are some qualifications for an inspirational woman? This woman will be connected to the Lord Jesus Christ himself; she will constantly search for direction from the Lord, and she understands that everyone is not on the same level spiritually in this walk of life. One might ask, “Can a woman be inspirational and not be in the body of Christ”. God’s word tells us in Romans 11:29 For gifts and calling of God are without repentance. His words also tell us in James 1:17 that every good gift and every perfect gift is from above and comes down from the Father of light with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning.
In closing, when one encounters an inspirational woman her very presence will speak for itself because her giftedness projects to others will be profound and you will know that you are or have been in the presence of a person that has a calling on her very life by God. An inspirational woman is gifted in such away that her influence will captivate your attention to the point that you become inspired by her ability to implant excitement, embrace positive ways of meeting other’s needs, and establish a map for others to reach for and believe that being an inspirational woman is only a leap of faith in God that He can transform each of us to a level that will penetrate to the core of others as we interact with them. Proverbs 2:2 tells us that when we incline our ear unto wisdom and apply our heart to understanding we are opening-up ourselves to becoming an inspirational woman that will allow precious nuggets of enlightenment and influence on others as God given assurance that knowledge is pleasant to the soul. God’s Word is a map for each of us to trust Him to transform us into an inspirational woman in the world today. Being an inspirational woman is God’s desire for each of us. Remember, that the Bible tells us in John 12:32, that if we lift-up Christ here on earth, He will draw all men unto himself. What a job opportunity!!!
An Inspirational Woman needed!
Will be trained to perfection by God Himself!
Apply in the Word of God!