Is This a Want or a Need?
Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. (Philippians 4:6-7, New International Version (NIV)).
I used to believe that the answer to every prayer would be “yes,” but I’ve learned that God often answers with “no” or wait. Even as a believer in Christ, that’s a very difficult thing to hear. So, what happens when we do not get what we want? Do we think our prayers have been wasted, that God doesn’t care or that He doesn’t even exist? Like pouting children, do we want to walk away and refuse to believe in this loving God?
Dear friends, sometimes waiting or hearing “no” to something we really wanted can be profoundly disappointing. We cannot treat God like a magic genie in a bottle who will immediately grant us our every wish. He is a loving Father who will give us all we need when we need it, and generously provide some of our wants, in His time, not ours. God did not say He would give us everything we want. But He did say He would answer us, even if the answer was no, and give us new knowledge to accept His will!
The Word of God encourages us to be anxious for nothing. So, if you are waiting on God for a petition known only to you and Him, wait patiently. Don’t worry God has not forgotten you. Yes, it seems that He has forgotten you, but that is just the enemy of our soul, trying to make you doubt God. A faith that relies solely on all prayers being answered on our whims for whenever we want, and however we want it, is no faith at all.
Never take advice or counsel from your negative thoughts. Study the scripture so that you will know what God is saying to your heart. So often our prayers do indeed lead us to a deeper understanding of the character and nature of God. Always believe God’s Word over pain, disappointment, and frustration. He cannot lie and His promises are real. Keep your eyes focused on Him.