To be for Diversity and Love Inclusively

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Transparency is so important.  Until recently I have not consciously focused on the injustices of Asian American Pacific Islanders (AAPI).  I am not boasting about my ignorance, but I honestly do not think about it.  But what if I did think about the injustices committed against AAPI …

The injustices have been going on for a long time. For example, in 1882 the Chinese Exclusion Act was enforced so that immigration by the Chinese to the United States was illegal. In addition, many people accused AAPI of taking American job opportunities. However, God does not exclude anyone from the opportunity to have a relationship with Him no matter what our country of origin is. 

What can we do when we see the injustices that happen against AAPI?  We can start by changing our attitude toward one another and showing love.  We can stand and affirm our Asian brothers and sisters welcoming them with a seat at the table.  We can refuse to join in discussions that bash, slander, or ridicule Asian American Pacific Islanders. 

In addition, as a descendent of African Americans and Native Americans I truly understand race related injustices experienced over history, the blood shed and lives lost. I vow to do a better job of being sensitive to my AAPI brothers and sisters. I commit to being inclusive when given the opportunity and acknowledging their contributions to our community.  

Finally, as Christians, we can acknowledge our AAPI brothers and sisters in Christ. In addition to loving the Lord with our heart, soul, mind and strength, Jesus says in Mark 12:31, “Love your neighbor as yourself.”  We must do better and be inclusive of our brothers and sisters of all cultures and backgrounds. God’s love includes, it does not exclude.   


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