Only Good Women Need Apply
I remember when I was a freshman I had a friend, let’s call her Tina, who would always say to me, “All men cheat!” I would argue with Tina and defend the virtues of malekind. Actually what we were fussing about was my virginity. She couldn’t see why I needed to abstain from sex and save myself because, she’d say, “All he is going to do is cheat anyway.”
What I didn’t realize at the time is that we usually get what we attract. I have noticed guys stop pursuing me after I explain the “I am waiting until marriage” principle to them. One guy who I had known for a while and thought was really sincere never spoke to me after we had that talk.
But what happens when we give into our Tina’s and open the floodgate to men who are willing to experience something sacred with us that they should only want to experience with their wives? Who does that make us?
What you do now affects the rest of your life. I know because after a while I thought Tina started making sense. I discovered she was wrong but I found out the hard way. Guess what? There really are good men who will wait. I began to meet them when I became a good woman, which happened as I grew in Christ.
Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new. 2 Corinthians 5:17
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