Courageous: The Review
The movie, Courageous, follows the lives of five men, all fathers, and how their lives are impacted by the decisions they make. After a life-changing event, one of the five men decides to better understand what it means to live his life according to God’s design for men. He tells the other four men what changes he has decided to make and wants them to hold him accountable for making those changes. After hearing what he says, the other four decide that they should also follow the same rules.
Throughout the movie, each man experiences the testing of his faith. The movie shows how a relationship with God affects each of their lives as they endure various situations. The men learn that God is a provider and a healer. They, themselves, learn to take responsibility and to be providers. And they learn that children are a blessing from God and should be cherished. The movie ends with a challenge to all fathers.
Ladies, as you watch this movie remember there is a husband for you that will love you and be responsible for his family. Ephesians 5:28-29 says “So husbands ought to love their own wives as their own bodies; he who loves his wife loves himself. For no one ever hated his own flesh, but nourishes and cherishes it, just as the Lord does the church.” It might take a little more time to meet him, but he is worth the time and you will be rewarded with peace.