Change is Coming!
If you watch TV or read the store ads, the overwhelming theme in January is what do you need to change. Did you eat too much during the past year and now you need to join a weight loss program? “Lose 5 pounds fast” the commercial says. Another commercial woos you with “No measuring, no meetings.” Commercials for restaurants parade their tempting “new under 500 calories” meals across the TV screen, all to make it easier for us to change our eating habits in the new year.
Maybe you don’t have food issues, but you need to stop smoking, get more organized, control your time or spending better, or mend broken relationships, for example. All things you look change in the new year to make this year better than last year.
In the Bible it says in Jeremiah 29:11: “I have plans for you, says the Lord, plans to prosper you, not to harm you, plans to give you a future and hope.” As you look to change your habits this year, look to God for help, first in defining your plans and second in helping you succeed in your plans. Remember, change happens in small steps so don’t lose hope when you don’t see the pounds falling off, but only a half-pound to a pound per week or that you still enjoy a hamburger and fries at times instead of a salad. But have hope that with God, you can start over again and achieve your goal.