Your Fresh New [Life] Essentials! by Rayna Pittman Uribe
Happy New Year Ladies! Last year was a rough year for me. I don’t know about you but I am looking forward to a better year. For whatever reason the new year conjures up feeling of a fresh start. We start re-evaluating our love lives, our finances, our wardrobes, hairstyle, and things like that. We tweak and tweak to achieve the desired image or feel we believe best suits us.
For instance, if you want to assess your new year wardrobe, the experts suggest at least 5 wardrobe essentials that every woman should own:
1. A plain white t-shirt
2. Black leggings
3. A skin-tone-matching cami
4. Dark denim jeans
5. A black dress
If you want to continue your assessment, the experts include 5 money tips for managing your finances:
1. Learn self-control—know what healthy spending looks like. Don’t get caught up in the web of instant gratification, i.e., expensive cars.
2. Budget—know where your money goes.
3. Save—start an emergency fund.
4. Again, save—start saving for retirement.
5. Use credit cards sparingly—credit costs!
Now that you have your wardrobe straight, and your money right, may I suggest you make an assessment of your spiritual life? While we don’t always consider our spiritual well being as a practical, how can we prepare for the future but leave out the biggest portion of it—eternity. Your relationship with God is the essence of your fresh new [life]. Tweak if necessary!
Anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun! 1 Corinthians 5:17