A Purposeful Life
Have you ever wondered what your purpose was? You know, why are you here on the earth, what were you meant to accomplish? You look around, many things have a specific purpose, like a coat when it is cold is meant to keep you warm and an umbrella when it is raining is meant to keep you dry. A computer’s purpose is to allow you to communicate easier with others, either through spreadsheets, papers, presentations or just plan email and social media.
Some people talk about how they found their purpose in life as they teach at risk youth or bake decorative wedding cakes or write intriguing novels. A lot of times these same people, even though what they do is hard work, never feel as if they are working a day in their lives because what they do is so rewarding for them. Well, did you know God has a purpose and a plan for us all? In the Bible in Jeremiah 29:11 says: ”For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Isn’t that exciting to know that God has a plan for you and it’s a good plan. Don’t get too excited, this plan doesn’t necessarily mean you will be rich, but your work will be meaningful in God’s kingdom.
So if God has this plan, purpose set for you, in His wonderful mind for you, how do you find out what it is? Prayer and meditation, spend a little time talking to Him so that He can reveal His plan to you. He would love to tell you if you just open up to Him.