How to Find Your Purpose
As I neared the end of my high school years I had to figure out which college I wanted to attend. My inability to choose a major should have clued me in on my utter confusion. But my ignorance would not stop me so I chose business. My natural abilities carried me for a while, but I noticed that some students possessed a passion I could not conjure up with a wand. My skills could get the homework done but they couldn’t give me the drive I needed to thrive.
So, I decided to change my major. Ultimately, however, I found that my problem stemmed from something far deeper than my choice of majors. Funny, it wasn’t a search of the deepest recesses of my heart that helped me discover my passion. Instead, I found that my passion flows from my purpose for being created.
Do you know your purpose for being created? I am not asking you for an inventory of your skills and talents. Sure we use our natural abilities as tools to accomplish our purpose; but without purpose, skills exist without perspective. The Bible says in Colossians 1:16,“For by Him [God] all things were created that are in heaven and that are on earth, visible and invisible…All things were created through Him [God] and for Him [God]. “ In other words, everything was created by God and for His purpose.
Have you ever thought about asking God why He created you? Do you know Him like that or do you need to gaL[get a Life] in Christ?