Why Not?
In my senior year of college I shared an apartment with two other ladies. Like the children’s matching game one of the three of us did not belong. I think about that period of my life and I wonder why my roommate was so different.
While we drank alcohol, she did not drink. While we expressed ourselves with various explicatives, she never cursed. While we entertained the fellas, she did not date. She was different. She eventually decided to move out even before the lease expired.
I understand now how destructive my lifestyle was. But I can’t remember anything in me that could have possibly answered the question, “Why not?” Why not drink and curse and have sex?
Perhaps someone tried to answer the question for me and I didn’t listen. But, it wasn’t until the painful “rewards” of that lifestyle showed up that I had an answer. SIN HURTS!
Some of us pretend to be emotionally tougher than others. You all can sustain a hit and remain standing in the midst of an onslaught. I, on the other hand, surrender at the first sign on discomfort. I didn’t want to debate the issue. I didn’t care if I was politically correct. Something in my life was wrong and I just wanted it fixed. I cried out like Peter did in Matthew 14:30, “…when he [I] saw that the wind [difficulties in life] was boisterous, he [I] was afraid; and beginning to sink he [I] cried out, saying, ‘Lord, save me!’” (The words in brackets are added for explanation.)