Baby, I’m Really Sorry
I started taking an intense cycling class at the gym. Fortunately, the instructor plays music to motivate the class. Just when I have spent my last bit of energy, the instructor yells at us to push a little harder. Then a song comes on that helps me to pedal a little longer.
One of the songs that came on to “inspire” us (but frankly it made me laugh) was about a guy who was caught cheating on his girlfriend. As he begs for forgiveness, the songstress accuses him of rendering a performance worthy of an acting award. In her view, his only regret was that he was caught cheating.
We play the same game with God. And He knows when we are faking it too, when our only regret is that what we did came back to bite us. But, sooner or later we have to make a decision. We can’t love our sin and God.
In the song, the guy tries to convince her that she is his choice. But his sorrow was not because he decided she was worth his full devotion with no regret of forsaking other women. He kills the relationship because his sorrow was merely due to realizing that the songstress was slipping through his fingers while he was attempting to grasp for both women.
Are you willing to let eternity slip through your fingers?
Godly sorrow brings repentance that leads to salvation and leaves no regret, but worldly sorrow brings death. 2 Corinthians 7:10